Ghost Blog - How to Update

The first step is to make a backup of the blog in case things break.

I copied the ghost folder to a backup folder:

cp -r /var/www/ghost-blog /home/ghost-blog/backup/2024-02-25-12-00/

Also, exported a backup with the frontend option at :

We are now ready for the update.

1) Let's check our blog version.

2) We can now run ghost check-update to check for new versions.

3) A new minor version is available, so let's upgrade. Before upgrading we need to install the latest ghost-cli.

npm install -g ghost-cli@latest

Follow the steps throw if the upgrade complains of outdated packages and run the above command again to update your ghost-cli

In my recent upgrade, my node and npm packaged were outdated.

First, node was upgraded to the ghost supported version with the commands bellow:

sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 18.17.0

Second, npm was upgraded.

sudo npm install -g npm@10.4.0
npm -version

If the ghost `systemd ` module is changed make sure to reload systemd.

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

4) Finally, upgrade your ghost blog instance.

ghost update 5.79.4
ghost ls
ghost start


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